We can help with
Grants & SUSI ,Timetabling, Course Related Issues, Exam Results & Appeals, to name but a few...Academic

At various times throughout the year, the SU will run various workshops to complement your studies and future careers. Some of these workshops will be run in conjunction with the Careers Office. Some examples of the types of workshops happening this coming year are upskilling, Linkedin, study & time management.
Throughout the year the SU will run some Campaigns including Voter Registration, the National Student Protest and Exam Slam weeks – to name but a few. Exam Slam Week is a very successful campaign that is run to help de-stress students on the lead up to exams. Keep an eye out for study packs, petting zoos and tea / coffee mornings.
Careers Information & Assistance
If you need a one to one session regarding your CV or other career-related queries, please call up to the careers office which located on the first floor of the library. Follow the Careers Office Job Board on Facebook.

Exams FAQ’s
Exam FAQ’s
Below are some frequently asked questions that we hope will make the examinations process easy to understand.
How do I access the Exam Timetable?
The timetable is published on the ATU website one month prior to the commencement of exams. Go to studenthub.atu.ie
Who do I contact if I have a problem with my Timetable?
Contact your Head of Department – via the School Office
What do I need to access my results?
You need your Student ID number and six digit PIN number.
How and where do I get my Student ID number and PIN number?
Your student ID number is located on your registration form which is issued to you by the Registration Department prior to registering with ATU, and it is also located on your Student Card when issued by ATU
The HEA require students to complete an online survey prior to registering with ATU. Your registration pack contains the information you will need to access this survey; your PIN number is part of the information contained in this pack.
Note: The reset PIN is used to access your exam results. Please keep this PIN in a safe place. This PIN once reset by you WILL NOT EXPIRE and you will need it to complete future Online Admissions, Registration and to access your European Diploma Supplement following graduation.
This PIN will not give you access to MOODLE, College email or the computers within the Institute. This PIN is issued by the IT Department and expires annually.
Who do I contact if I have forgotten or mislaid this PIN?
Contact Webforstudent@atu.ie ensuring you have included your student ID number and Date of birth.
Who do I contact if I have to defer an exam?
If you become ill, for example, and you need to defer an exam, you should contact your Head of Department – via the School Office.
How do I get my exam results?
Exam results are only issued online through Web for Student and not posted out to students.
To access your results go to student.atu.ie > Online Results >
Access your online results > Enter Secure Area: Enter your student ID number and six digit PIN number and login. To proceed to your results
Click onto: Student Services and Financial Aid > Student Records > Provisional Grades > Submit on the Academic Term displayed, eg 2013/2014. Your results will then appear.
Why are my results Provisional?
All results remain provisional until they are ratified at the Exam Boards meeting held in September of the following academic year. What does Academic Standing Mean?
This is the overall result for a year (stage) in all years other than award years, the result will be either:
What do these mean?
What do these mean?
PS – means you have passed everything and you can progress to the next year
EX – means you have to resit or repeat subjects (modules)
FL – means you have failed and you are required to resit or repeat subjects (modules) DE – means you have deferred subjects or the programme
AB – means you did not attend for examination
WH – means you have something outstanding that must be completed, e.g. continuous assessment, project, practical or final exam.
How do I know if I have to repeat an exam?
If you have to repeat an exam you will see “exemptions granted”.
If the pass mark in your subject (module) is 40% and your mark is less than that, you are required to resit or repeat this subject (module). The same applies for subjects that have a pass mark of 50%.
You will receive further notification regarding the repeats process during the academic year. Please ensure you have activated your college email account. It is your responsibility to ensure you are fully aware of your repeat requirements as the Institute will not be writing to you.
Note: You are obliged to resit any failed exams at the next available sitting.
Who do I contact if I have a problem with my results?
Contact your Head of Department (through your School Office)
How do I get an exam rechecked?
Please refer to your Code of Conduct Handbook for detailed information on Rechecks, Reviews and Appeals. All rechecks must be in writing (email is acceptable), and submitted to your Head of Department within seven days of the results being published.
Note: Requests for rechecks of Winter Exam results are not considered until after the Summer Exams.
How do I print out a copy of my results with the Institute logo?
When you are viewing your exam results, click onto:
Tools > Internet Options, Advanced,
Scroll down until you see the printing symbol and tick Print Background colors and images
> OK
You will also need to go to File > Page Setup…..
Click onto Print Background colors and images > Ok.
You can then print out their results with the Institute Logo. Note:
Who do I contact if I need a letter to confirm that I am a student, e.g. for grants, department of social welfare payments, etc?
Contact the Registration Desk, which is opposite the reception desk in the main lobby. The opening hours for the Registration Desk are: 10am – 12pm & 2pm – 4pm
NB: Under the Data Protection Act 1998 as amended in 2003, Institute Personnel cannot discuss your results, registration status etc. with anyone other than yourself. It is your responsibility to adhere to Institute Policies and Procedures as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.

Mayo Campus
Tel: +353 94 9043109
Email: sumayo.galwaymayo@atu.ie
Galway Campus
Tel: +353 91 742264
Email: suoffice.galwaymayo@atu.ie